20 - 22 APRIL
2023 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit (IEEE E-TEMS 2023) is addressing the challenge of achieving quality of life in smart cities through the projects and digital ecosystems. We must find ways to share our ideas, questions and proposals on digital transformation of the areas where technologies, sustainable smart cities and resilient society meet.
It will be our fourth IEEE E-TEMS Conference in Europe and third in the 5-year’s E-TEMS Conference Series and is supported by European Partnership for Project and Innovation Management (EuroPIM) Consortium. Its goals are to promote and explore the topics and relationships between Project Management, Digital Transformation and Smart Cities.
At IEEE E-TEMS 2023 – hosted by the Kaunas University of Technology – participants will share their understanding of quality of life within cities, showcase their digital transformation projects and explore related themes.
The programme will be a balance between declared topics and those emergent from other submissions. For those interested in regional perspectives, it is important to note that we are actively seeking contributions from organizations in and around Dortmund, Bilbao, Trondheim, Kaunas, Leuven, Kyiv and other Smart Cities.
IEEE E-TEMS 2023 on IEEE Xplore
Conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other abstracting and indexing (A&I) databases. All A&I providers can be found here and include amongst others Scopus and Web of Science.
IEEE policy and professional ethics requires that referees treat the contents of papers under review as privileged information not to be disclosed to others before publication. It is expected that no one with access to a paper under review will make any inappropriate use of the special knowledge which that access provides. This applies to anyone else who is authorized to handle submissions.
Chairs & Organising Committee
Beverly Pasian – Conference Series Chair (Utrecht University of Applied Sciences)
Elena Vitkauskaitė – Conference Chair (Kaunas University of Technology)
Carsten Wolff – Technical Programme Chair (Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
Anna Badasian – Conference Series Manager (Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
Gaiva Vilkevičienė – Treasurer (Kaunas University of Technology)
Jurga Duobienė – Publication Manager (Kaunas University of Technology)
Rimantė Hopenienė – Local Arrangements Chair (Kaunas University of Technology)
Organising Team
Anastasiya Kurylchyk (Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
Areej Aldaghamin (Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
Evelina Mackevičiūtė (Kaunas University of Technology)
Gabija Lapinskaitė (Kaunas University of Technology)
Gustavo Giannattasio (IEEE: Smart Cites)
Ineta Žičkutė (Kaunas University of Technology)
Inga Kartanaitė (Kaunas University of Technology)
Iuliia Mende (Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
Kaan Sayan (Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
Kęstutis Duoba (Kaunas University of Technology)
Mantas Vilkas (Kaunas University of Technology)
Manuel Eduardo Morales Rubio (Kaunas University of Technology)
Matthias Smukal (Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
Meda Andrijauskienė (Kaunas University of Technology)
Nargiza Mikhridinova (Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
Peiman Alipour Sarvari (Kaunas University of Technology)
Rita Virgailienė (Kaunas University of Technology)
Robert Bierwolf (IEEE TEMS)
Rūta Čiutienė (Kaunas University of Technology)
Vilmantė Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė (Kaunas University of Technology)
Programme Committee
Anna Sadowska
Arnesh Telukdarie
Bassam Hussein
Bertha Joseph Ngereja
Beverly Pasian
Carsten Wolff
Christoph Juergenhake
Elena Vitkauskaite
Florian Rademacher
Galyna Tabunshchyk
Holger Timinger
Ineta Žičkutė
Ingrida Šarkiūnaitė
Jurga Duobienė
Jurgita Bruneckiene
Kanesan AL Muthusamy
Lydia Kaiser
Mantas Vilkas
Manuel Eduardo Morales Rubio
Maria Jose Miranda-Martel
Markus Schmidtner
Meda Andrijauskiene
Megashneee Munsamy
Muhammad Mubarak
Nigel Williams
Olena Verenych
Peiman Alipour Sarvari
Peter Arras
Raminta Benetytė
Ramunė Čiarnienė
Rolando Bautista Montesano
Rūta Čiutienė
Sebastien Martin
Semih Severengiz
Vilmantė Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė
Živilė Stankevičiūtė
from Kaunas City Municipality
20.04.2023 at 09:30 UTC+3
Keynote: “Developing Kaunas – projects that make the city smart(er)”
Head of Investment and Project Division at Kaunas City Municipality
from Kaunas University of Technology
20.04.2023 at 10:45 UTC+3
“Innovation and Data relevance in Industry 4.0 transition: Experiences from the IN4ACT Project” roundtable
Manuel MORALES is Researcher at ERA Chair team, IN4ACT at the School of Economics and Business in the Kaunas University of Technology and member of the Executive board at the ERASME Excellent Centre for Sustainability in France. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the Université Clermont Auvergne and a Postdoc at the Industrial Bioeconomy Chair in NEOMA Business School. Holding a graduate degree (Master) in Sustainability education (FR) and other in Agribusiness studies (MX). He is a member of the International Society for Industrial Ecology and French Regional Studies Association. Manuel has a long experience in research, fundraising, lecturing and as regional consultant in Europe and Latin America, carrying strategic development projects within socially responsible initiatives, as well as the detection of business opportunities and promotion of synergic projects within industrial ecosystems encompassed on a systemic approach.
from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
20.04.2023 at 10:45 UTC+3
“Innovation and Data relevance in Industry 4.0 transition: Experiences from the IN4ACT Project” roundtable
21.04.2023 at 09:00 UTC+3
Keynote: “Smart, not outsmarted citizens”
Professor in energy economics and climate change at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway
Distinguished Fellow at the Schumacher Institute for Sustainable Systems, Bristol, United Kingdom
Valeria Jana Schwanitz is a professor in energy economics and climate change at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway, and a Distinguished Fellow at the Schumacher Institute for Sustainable Systems, Bristol, United Kingdom. She leads the sub-program on ‘Data science and artificial intelligence’ of the European Energy Research Alliance’s Joint Program ‘Digitalization of energy’. Her research focuses on data-driven analysis of the energy system in the context of climate change and sustainable development. Current research projects include city-level decarbonization (in collaboration with WWF Sweden and the Science-Based Target Network), FAIR and open data for low carbon energy research, and citizen-led projects in the energy transition. Research stays and affiliations brought her to Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research (Germany), Okinawa Institute of Technology (Japan), and Osaka University (Japan), among others.
from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
20.04.2023 at 10:45 UTC+3
“Innovation and Data relevance in Industry 4.0 transition: Experiences from the IN4ACT Project” roundtable
August Huber Wierling, HVL, Norway. He is a professor in energy economics and climate change at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway, and a Distinguished Fellow at the Schumacher Institute for Sustainable Systems, Bristol, United Kingdom. August is a theoretical physicist with applications in plasma physics and solid states physics. August research interests are focused on the properties of complex systems. August research areas are renewable energy and statistical and other data methods. He is currently working on diagnostic methods for energy, computer programs and stochastic data analysis.
from Worldline
20.04.2023 at 10:45 UTC+3
“Innovation and Data relevance in Industry 4.0 transition: Experiences from the IN4ACT Project” roundtable
20.04.2023 at 14:00 UTC+3
TechTalks session
Worldline, Mobility & Transactional Services Business lines, Track & Trace Program Director
French, 36 years old, leading global and critical digital transformation programs. In private as well as in professional life my motto came from Lao Tzou: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”. I have a mechanical engineering, manufacturing and supply-chain management background thanks to a double Master degree from Arts et Métiers ParisTech and Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie. I evolved in my career from hardware R&D activities; new product industrialization project management; production and supply chain management including supplier quality assessment function to digital services businesses for industry as well as government institutions.
from Kaunas University of Technology
20.04.2023 at 10:45 UTC+3
“Innovation and Data relevance in Industry 4.0 transition: Experiences from the IN4ACT Project” roundtable
Morteza Ghobakhloo is Researcher at ERA Chair team, IN4ACT at the School of Economics and Management, Kaunas University of Technology. He holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and specializes in technology adoption and acceptance in the Industry 4.0 era, the business value of digitization, the business value of hybrid manufacturing system, and corporate sustainability. He has more than ten years of experience serving as a field engineer and technology implementation consultant in the manufacturing industry.
from Kaunas University of Technology
20.04.2023 at 10:45 UTC+3
“Innovation and Data relevance in Industry 4.0 transition: Experiences from the IN4ACT Project” roundtable
20.04.2023 at 14:00 UTC+3
TechTalks session
Dr. Andrius Grybauskas is a Researcher at ERA Chair team, IN4ACT at the School of Economics and Business in Kaunas University of Technology. He received undergraduate degree in economics and finance, graduate degree in International Trade and Economics and defended Ph.D. in 2021 in Economics at Kaunas University of Technology. Andrius research themes mostly revolves around the real estate market and its stability, housing bubbles, econometrics, Big Data, REITs, machine learning, forecasting, web-scraping and artificial intelligence. The curiosity for real estate market is a byproduct of Andrius business experience. He personally dealt with negotiations of real estate with foreigners and successfully gathered funding for many real estate projects. His daily procedures were buying, selling, renting, reviewing the contract, lease, rental agreements, finding business opportunities and analyzing the overall real estate market. Andrius has participated in many technical and econometrical conferences and seminars held around the world and in central banks
from CIO.LT
20.04.2023 at 12:45 UTС+3
Continuing the Lithuanian story
Digital Futurist Angel, Author of Vilnius Digital Strategy, Digital Train board & Harvard Digital Program member, Keynote speaker & IT phD
Egle is a Digital Futurist Angel, Author of Vilnius Digital Strategy. Egle was in the position of Vilnius City Municipality CTO from 2018 to 2021. Currently, she is the Head of the Lithuanian CIO’s club CIO.LT, Digital Train board & Harvard Digital Program member. Egle has a PhD in Information Engineering and Technology. Recently she graduated from Harvard’s Leading Digital Innovator programme.
from Litgrid AB
20.04.2023 at 14:00 UTC+3
TechTalks session
Synchronisation Programme Manager at Litgrid AB, Member of the Board of Lithuanian Project Management Association (IPMA Lietuva)
Artūras Kuliešas (PMP, PgMP, MSP-P) is an experienced project and programme manager since 2002, the Member of the Board and the former President of Lithuanian Project Management Association, lecturer and trainer specialized in projects, programmes, quality and risk management.
Arturas has been leading multi-million-euro projects and programmes in IT, finance, and energy sectors, for international organisations such as Swedbank, DNB, Barclays, and others.
At Litgrid, he has been managing the Synchronisation Programme, a strategic initiative in the Lithuanian energy utilities sector, since 2019. When completed, the Synchronisation Programme shall enable a synchronous connection to continental European grid, together with other Baltic States.
In addition to his day-to-day activities, Arturas is a Partnership Associate Professor at Vilnius University Business School, teaching M.Sc. students in International Project Management programme. He has been delivering lectures in universities in Lithuania and Iceland, speaking in dedicated to projects, technology, and energy infrastructure.
from Kaunas University of Technology
20.04.2023 at 14:00 UTC+3
TechTalks session
Head of the KTU Centre of Smart Cities and Infrastructure
Dr. Darius Pupeikis is a civil engineer, with a specialization in BIM (Building Information Modelling), building data science and energy performance. Currently, Darius is the Head of the Centre for Smart Cities and Infrastructure and is responsible for building a community, encouraging R&D activities, and strengthening the study process in the field of digital construction, BIM, smart cities, and infrastructure. At the moment Darius’s academic portfolio consists of 24 research papers, 10 national and international projects mainly related to the digitalization of the built environment, and more than 15 years of experience in academia and the construction industry. He is a leader (senior expert) in one of the main current projects BIM-LT “Development of tools for increasing the efficiency of the life cycle processes of public sector buildings using Building Information Modelling”.
from Telesoftas
20.04.2023 at 14:00 UTC+3
TechTalks session
Bart Kappel spent the past 10 years building his professional career through his involvement in different projects, ranging from building data platforms for analytics to building smart solutions. His expertise in System and Data Engineering, together with his background in Data Science, formed his ability to solve complex problems within challenging projects in different industries such as Agriculture, Logistics, Telecommunications, and Government.
His Master of Science in Computer Vision and Smart Agent systems was not the end of his learning journey. Bart believes that applying knowledge and skills in different domains and projects helps to fine-tune and discover new things, which is essential to working in this field.
Currently, Bart Kappel is a leading AI & Data projects in IT service and consulting company TeleSoftas.
from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 21.04.2023 at 10:00 UTС+3
Continuing the Belgium story: Lessons Learned
Senior lecturer in the faculty of engineering technology at KU Leuven (BE),
Honorary professor at National University Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic (UA).
Dr ing Peter Arras, Prof h.c (1964) obtained his master’s degree in electro-mechanical engineering in 1985 from the Katholieke Industriële Hogeschool De Nayer (now integrated into KU Leuven). In 2014 he obtained a PhD in material sciences teaching at UKF (University Constantine the philosopher), Nitra, Slovakia.
Peter Arras is a senior lecturer in the faculty of engineering technology of KU Leuven in bachelor’s and master’s degree courses on design methods and numerical methods for mechanical design (FEA, CAE).
He is in charge of international relations for the department of engineering technology at the campus of De Nayer and is a member of faculty boards on international relations.
He is active in many international educational projects (as a contact person and coordinator of previous and current European projects).
During the different projects and in bilateral cooperation, Dr. Arras was many times guest lecturer at different universities in Germany, Israel, Poland, Slovak Republic, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia, and Armenia.
In 2017 he was appointed as an honorary professor at the National University Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
from Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts
21.04.2023 at 13:15 UTС+3
Continuing the Dortmund story
Carsten Wolff is Professor for Computer Science at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (FH Dortmund) since 2007. He holds a doctorate in information technology and Master equivalent degrees in engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) and economics (Dipl.Kfm.). In his industrial career, he was in the semiconductor industry (Infineon AG), working in Germany, P.R. China and Taiwan. He worked as project manager, head of department and programme manager on the development of ASICs and processors. He also contributed to the development of a new research centre in P.R. China. At FH Dortmund, he is the spokesman of the DAAD strategic partnership „EuroPIM – European Partnership for Project and Innovation Management” and co-founder of 2 international Master’s programmes. His research topics are in Software & Systems Engineering, Project Management and Embedded Systems.
from HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
21.04.2023 at 15:30 UTC+3
Workshop “Smart City Curriculum Development”
22.04.2023 at 10:30 UTC+3
Continuing the Bilbao story
22.04.2023 at 16:15 UTC+3
Writing a Quality of Life Research Agenda: What will this IEEE E-TEMS series be talking about in future?
Beverly Pasian’s career is one of a project management practitioner and researcher. For more than 30 years she has managed, taught and conducted research in the public sector around the world. She has dozens of courses, papers and presentations to her credit along with two master’s degrees (in education and business) and two doctorates (in Project Management (2011) and Business Administration (2023)). A few notable books focus on responsible project management (2022), research methods (2023) and female leadership (2023).
Working with the global team at IIBS is an ongoing highlight of her career with her work on multiple bachelor and masters-level course teams, examination boards and the university privacy committee. Support of institute management has also allowed her to broaden her professional scope even further as she pivots her research focus from project management maturity to smart cities. Investigating the role of projects in maximizing quality of life in smart cities is the most responsible step has taken as a researcher… with the ultimate goal of working directly with companies and cities to do the same.
A citizen of both Canada and Ireland, Beverly is currently active in a global network of smart city projects in Australia, Canada and across the European Union. Expert and leadership participation in professional associations are ongoing including as the Conference Series Chair of the European Technology & Engineering Management Summit (etems.digital).
from Technische Universität Berlin
21.04.2023 at 15:30 and 22.04.2023 at 13:45 UTC+3
Doctoral Workshop
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lydia Kaiser
Since March 2021 Lydia Kaiser is professor of Digital Engineering 4.0 at the Technische Universität Berlin and the Einstein Center Digital Future. She studied Physics at Paderborn University and received her Ph.D. 2013 in the field of Model-Based Systems Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Jürgen Gausemeier. Lydia Kaiser was research associate for three years at the chair Product Engineering at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute of the Paderborn University. In 2012, she changed to the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechatronic Systems Design in Paderborn. In the research department of Prof. Roman Dumitrescu she was group leader and from 2018 to 2021 head of the division Systems Engineering together with Dr. Harald Anacker.
from Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts
21.04.2023 at 15:30 UTС+3
Workshop “Smart City Curriculum Development”
Rebecca studied social anthropology, political sciences and economic policy at the University of Münster and worked abroad for some time. Since 2014, she has been working at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences for the Ruhr Master School of Applied Sciences (RMS), a cooperation project of three regional universities of applied sciences and aims to create added value in the master’s program for students and teachers alike. This is achieved through the mutual opening of existing courses and own formats such as block weeks or summer schools. Together with her colleagues, Rebecca always has her finger on the pulse when it comes to innovations in university teaching, she develops concepts for interdisciplinary and international formats and implements them in practice.
from Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts
21.04.2023 at 15:30 UTС+3
Workshop “Smart City Curriculum Development”
Thorsten Ruben, Coordinator International Master Programmes, Coordinator Ruhr Master School, graduated from Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Diploma) in Business Economics. After working at BV Risk Solutions GmbH a subcompany of Bank-Verlag GmbH in Cologne he starts at the university as scientific staff in the business faculty. There he took care of the Bachelor in Business Economics with over 1.200 students. This gave him insights of the whole student live circle as well as the whole administration of the university. During this part as a Coordinator, he implement with the E-Learning-Team the Learning Management System ILIAS, which is still running.
His focus on the student live circle and E-Learning elements brought him to a position of implementing new elements in the university. Since 2015, he is one of the coordinators of a joint venture (Ruhr Master School) of the universities in Dortmund, Bochum and Recklinghausen. Additionally, he started in 2017 to coordinate the International Master Programmes “Embedded Systems for Mechatronics” and “Digital Transformation”. These programmes are parts of our DAAD strategic partnership „EuroPIM – European Partnership for Project and Innovation Management“, the Dortmund Competence Center China located at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts and other various projects.
from Vinted
22.04.2023 at 09:45 UTC+3
Keynote: “A story from Vinted: how we improve quality of our members’ lives”
Director of Engineering at Vinted; PhD, partnership professor at Vilnius University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
Being blessed to explore both – academic and business worlds – Vytautas has developed passions for topics of emotional intelligence, biohacking, modern education and diversity and inclusion. Due to dual backgrounds, Vytautas balances between both – a very pragmatic practical approach and academic theory. Currently Vytautas is working as Director of Engineering in the first Unicorn of Lithuania – Vinted. For the last year and a half, Vytautas has been tackling engineering challenges unique to rapid-growth organizations in a domain responsible for Transactional Experience of Vinted members. Previous experiences include banking, telco and IT industries as well.
from Landshut University of Applied Sciences
22.04.2023 at 11:15 UTС+3
“Tailor the Project Management of the future” workshop
from Landshut University of Applied Sciences
22.04.2023 at 11:15 UTС+3
“Tailor the Project Management of the future” workshop
Claudia Doering studied international business administration and systems engineering, in which she received her Master of Engineering in 2017. Since 2018, she works as a research associate and project coordinator at the University of applied Sciences Landshut, Germany. She also works as a lecturer in project management, intercultural competences and process modelling at the University of applied Sciences in Landshut, Germany. Since 2018, she also conducts research in the field of knowledge transfer, information modelling and university collaborations, which is also the topic of her Ph.D. studies at the University of Regensburg, Germany. She is a certified Member of the German Association for Project Management (GPM) and holds various certifications in agile project management.
from Kaunas University of Technology
22.04.2023 at 13:45 UTС+3
“Data Strategy Workshop for Industries” workshop
Luxembourg Institute of Technology; researcher of IN4ACT ERA Chair project at KTU SEB.
Peiman has extensive experience in AI, digitalization, and data strategy, having taught and worked in both academia and industry. His areas of expertise include data science, cloud computing, robotics, operations research, and computer simulation. He has eleven years of experience in data management, analytics, and business intelligence, and is currently responsible for digitalization at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology. In addition to his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, he has a Post Doctorate in modeling and simulation based on big data. He is a certified professional AWS architect, SCADA and Apache Kafka developer. Peiman is currently combining IIoT with AI for better industrial and banking performance. As a data pipeline designer, he helps organizations create a data-driven culture and he strives to keep up with industry trends and advancements.
from Norwegian University of Science and Technology
22.04.2023 at 14:45 UTС+3
Continuing the Trondheim story
NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) – Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Alessia Bellini is a PhD student at NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, working with circular economy within the built environment in connection with data governance, and investigating the integration of circular reuse processes. Alessia has previously worked as project manager in Arup and she also had the role as CSO in buildingSMART Norway. Alessia has a Bachelor in Architecture from Politecnico di Milano and a Master in Project Mangement from NTNU.
22.04.2023 at 15:30 UTС+3
Leadership Insights: Technology & Engineering Management Society
Andrea Belz received the B.S. degree in physics from the University of Maryland at College Park, College Park, MD, USA, in 1993, and the Ph.D. degree in physics from Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA, in 2000.,She serves as the Vice Dean of Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship with the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering, as well as serving as the Founder and Director of Innovation Node – Los Angeles, the National Science Foundation Innovation Corps (“I-Corps”) regional Node. She previously held faculty appointments in USC’s Iovine/Young Academy for Arts, Technology, and the Business of Innovation; the USC Marshall School of Business, and was a Visiting Professor of Engineering at California Institute of Technology. She has consulted extensively on strategic planning and technology commercialization for Avery Dennison, BP, Caltech, Children’s Hospital-Los Angeles, Occidental Petroleum, Raytheon, UCLA, and many venture capital firms, as well as spending ten years consulting as a systems engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. She served on the Board of Directors of Caltech spinoff and laser manufacturer Ondax until its acquisition by Coherent.