9-11 MARCH
2022 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit (IEEE E-TEMS 2022) is addressing the challenge of achieving quality of life in smart cities through the projects and digital ecosystems. We must find ways to share our ideas, questions and proposals to create a sustainable future that bridges the gaps where technologies and responsible smart cities meet.
At IEEE E-TEMS 2022 – hosted by the University of the Basque Country – participants will share their understanding of quality of life within cities, showcase their digital transformation projects and explore related themes.
The programme will be a balance between declared topics and those emergent from other submissions. For those interested in regional perspectives, it is important to note that we are actively seeking contributions from organizations in and around Dortmund, Bilbao, Trondheim, Kaunas, Leuven, Kyiv and other Smart Cities.
IEEE E-TEMS 2022 on IEEE Xplore
Conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other abstracting and indexing (A&I) databases. All A&I providers can be found here and include amongst others Scopus and Web of Science.Â
IEEE policy and professional ethics requires that referees treat the contents of papers under review as privileged information not to be disclosed to others before publication. It is expected that no one with access to a paper under review will make any inappropriate use of the special knowledge which that access provides. This applies to anyone else who is authorized to handle submissions.
Chairs & Organising Committee
Beverly Pasian – Conference Series ChairÂ
Jose Ramon Otegi-Olaso – Conference ChairÂ
Carsten Wolff – Technical Programme ChairÂ
Anna Badasian – Conference Series Manager
Nargiza Mikhridinova – Publication Manager
Alexia Nalewaik – Head of Quality Management BoardÂ
Ianire Taboada – Local Arrangements Chair
Organising Team
Abouzar Daneshpajouh
Aleksandra Galiakhmetova
Anastasiya Kurylchyk
Areej Aldaghamin
Carolina Cruz Villazón
Elena Schräder
Jon Aretxaga DĂaz del Rio
Jorge Maldonado Carranza
Jose Ignacio Zuazo Urionabarrenechea
Iuliia Mende
Maialen Castaño
Matthias Smukal
Mercedes Bayona Moyano
Olatz Etxaniz Mendiguren
RocĂo Carrillo
Sabina Eichel
Programme Committee
Bassam Hussein
Bertha Joseph Ngereja
Beverly Pasian
Carsten Wolff
Chinwi Mgbere
Christian Reimann
Christoph Juergenhake
Claudia Doering
Florian Rademacher
Galyna Tabunshchyk
Harkaitz Eguiraun
Holger Timinger
Iñaki Zuazo
Jose Ramon Otegi-Olaso
Kanesan AL Muthusamy
Luis Ruiz Minguela
Lydia Kaiser
Maider Iturrondobeitia
Markus Schmidtner
Nigel Williams
Olatz Etxaniz
Olena Verenych
Peter Arras
Rikardo Minguez
Rolando Bautista Montesano
RĹ«ta ÄŚiutienÄ—
Semih Severengiz
Sergey Bushuyev
Thomas Holzmann
Urtzi Llano
Uwe Grossmann
đź•’ 09.03.2022 at 09:30 CET
Opening of the conference
Member Board of Governors (BoG), and Chair Industry & IEEE Society Engagement Committee.
Robert Bierwolf, MScEng, SMIEEE. A graduate from Delft University of Technology (1987), Faculty of Electrical Engineering – Computer Science. Robert is a member of the Board of Governors of IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Society (2015-2021), and in the IEEE Benelux Section, and IEEE Region 8 (EMEA). In his industry career, Robert held various senior management position for projects and programs as well as line- and operations management roles. A practitioner with over three decennia of experience in doing interim-, program- and project management for typical large corporates and in various sectors. Currently, Robert is developing his academic skills and is active as Research Associate with the Foundation Center of Technology and Innovation Management (CeTIM) affiliated to Leiden University and UniBw Munchen, and the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. Part of his PhD-project focusing on Leadership, Organizational Learning, Transition Management, Networked Organizations, P3M, Action Research, Living Labs all around the theme of “Transition Management and Learning – A Path for Strategic Leadership Towards Project Management 2030”.
đź•’ 09.03.2022 at 09:30 CET
Opening of the conference
Vice dean of Information and Telecommunications. Technologies of Bilbao Faculty of Engineering.
Telecommunication Engineer and Electronic Technology and Control Doctor. During the last 25 years he has been a professor at the School of Engineering of Bilbao always doing both teaching and research within the area of knowledge of systems engineering and automation mainly in lines related to systems integration, distributed control systems and industrial communications. He has participated in more than 30 projects funded from public calls, as well as in more than 12 projects funded by companies. As a result of these projects, the results have been disseminated in mainly international journals and conferences.
 09.03.2022 at 10:00 CETÂ
Keynote: Bilbao, a Complete Smart City Project
Councillor for Urban Planning and Works, Services, Urban Rehabilitation and Public Space of the Bilbao City Council. Agricultural Engineer. Currently, Councillor for Public Works, Urban Planning and Strategic Projects at Bilbao City Council. Previously he has been Councillor for Mobility (2007-2015), for Public Services (2018-2019), for Urban Rehabilitation (2015-2019), for Public Space (2018-2019) and for Urban Planning (since 2015).
 09.03.2022 at 13:30 CET
Workshop: Responsible Project Data Analytics
 11.03.2022 at 10:30 CET
Poster & Video Discussions: Achieving Quality of Life in Smart Cities
 11.03.2022 at 14:30 CET
New Student Journal: PMRP
Dr Nigel L. Williams, PMP is the Reader in Project Management and Research Lead in the Organizations and Systems Management Subject Group at the University of Portsmouth. His research has examined Project Capability development, Project stakeholder interactions using social network analysis and Event Project Management. His publications are available HERE He currently co-leads the Responsible Project Management initiative at www.ResponsiblePM.com to encourage societal value creation (Sustainability and Social Responsibility) in an ethical manner by Project Managers. The RPM team works with academia (UK, Europe and Asia), industry associations (APM & PMI) and NGOs (Association for sustainability practitioners). We have engaged in a collaborative program of education, research and public engagement in the form of the Responsible PM Forum (2018 and 2019), the development of a guide to Responsible Project Management and a Manifesto that has encouraged researchers and practitioners to incorporate sustainability and social value into their current practice.
 09.03.2022 at 14:30 CET
Continuing the Trondheim story
Bassam Hussein is an associate professor at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, the Norwegian of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. He is the author or the co-author of more than 70 publications in project management. His research interests include topics such as; project success, project complexity, blended learning, agile development and project-based learning. Hussein has more than 20 years of experience as educator, advisor, lecturer and speaker in the field of project management. During his career, he has participated in the design, development, and implementation of a wide range of customized educational programs in project management for the public as well as the private sector. In 2016 he was selected among the top ten exceptional lecturers in Norway by the newspaper Morgenbladet.
 09.03.2022 at 14:30 CET
Continuing the Trondheim story
His research interests are at the interfaces between topics and domains, such as Urban Intelligence, Smart Cities, Sustainability, Digital Transformation, Climate Neutral Cities, Open Innovation, Urban Systems Modeling, Geospatial Retrieval, and Information Access, and Everything Geo. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Oldenburg, Germany.
 09.03.2022 at 15:00 CET
Continuing the Belgium story
Peter Arras, born in Lier, Belgium on 10 January 1964, obtained his degree in electro-mechanical engineering, option automation in 1985 from the Katholieke Industriële Hogeschool De Nayer. In 2014 he got his PhD-degree in the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovak Republic) on the subject “Teaching the technical university course “modern materials and technologies”.
Peter Arras is senior lecturer in the faculty of engineering technology of KU Leuven in bachelor and master degree courses on design methods, and numerical methods for mechanical design (FEA, CAE).
Peter Arras is in charge of international relations for the department of engineering technology at campus De Nayer and in charge of student and teacher mobility.
He is member of departmental and faculty boards on international relations.
Since 2017 he is faculty policy coordinator for exchange studies and internationalisation at home.
He is active in many international educational projects (as contact person and coordinator of previous and current European projects).
During the different projects and in bilateral cooperation Dr Arras was many times guest lecturer in different universities in Germany, Slovak Republic, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Armenia.
 09.03.2022 at 15:00 CET
Continuing the Belgium story
Dennie Jansen born in 1981 from KU Leuven, Faculty of Engineering Technology, obtained his Bachelors degree as construction engineer in 2003 from the AVANS University College (NL). In 2006 he obtained his Masters degree in architecture with honours at the Technical University Delft (NL).
Since he finished his study, Dennie has been working for several architectural and engineering firms. The scale of the projects range from small scale residential buildings to large scale city development. Some of these projects were awarded for their architectural and technical qualities. Since 2008 Dennie became involved with education by coordinating design seminars for architectural students of the Technical University Delft. In 2010 he started his career at KU Leuven in research and education.
Dennie’s field of expertise is the optimization of the technical design of buildings. He is involved with traditional and unconventional building methods and building materials, but also communication and process optimization by means of BIM (Building Information Modelling/ Management). In the context of the Materials and Structures research group within the department of Civil Engineering of KU Leuven he has been working on several projects including 3D printing of concrete and building methods for Guadua bamboo. He currently works on a PhD research related to hygrothermal creep in bio-fiber composite bridges.
 09.03.2022 at 16:00 CET
Showcase presentations: Bilbao Smart City
 10.03.2022 at 13:50 CET
Citizens perspective of Bilbao
Ane Miren Ibáñez Zugazaga is General Director of BilbaoTIK, the Technological Society of the Bilbao City Council. Ane Miren has an extensive professional career linked to people management and talent development, directing Human Resources and occupational risk prevention areas. In addition to her experience in the hotel sector, her extensive professional experience in the private sector has allowed her to learn about leading companies in the Basque industry such as Grupo ITP and Vicrila, as well as in the international sector, highlighting her experience in the German multinational Rothenberger.
 10.03.2022 at 09:30 CET
Keynote: Expo2020 Dubai Project
Head of MindSphere & Command and Control Team (Expo2020 Dubai Project) at Siemens LLC
 10.03.2022 at 11:50 CET
Workshop: Parameters that Influence Project Management Decisions
Markus Schmidtner was born in Eggenfelden, Germany, in 1986. He studied computer science (business informatics) at the University of applied Sciences Landshut, Germany. He received his Master of Science in 2019 in computer science at the University of applied Sciences Landshut.
Since 2019, he has worked as a research associate in the research project HyValue at the University of applied Sciences Landshut. HyValue aims to improve the automotive product development process. He also works as a lecturer for project management and collaborative business process modelling. His research topics include project management and business process modelling.
Sc. Markus Schmidtner is a certified member of the German Association for Project Management (GPM).
 10.03.2022 at 16:40 CET
11.03.2022 at 10:30 CETÂ
Doctoral Workshop:Smart Cities as Systems of Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lydia Kaiser
Since March 2021 Lydia Kaiser is professor of Digital Engineering 4.0 at the Technische Universität Berlin and the Einstein Center Digital Future. She studied Physics at Paderborn University and received her Ph.D. 2013 in the field of Model-Based Systems Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Jürgen Gausemeier. Lydia Kaiser was research associate for three years at the chair Product Engineering at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute of the Paderborn University. In 2012, she changed to the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechatronic Systems Design in Paderborn. In the research department of Prof. Roman Dumitrescu she was group leader and from 2018 to 2021 head of the division Systems Engineering together with Dr. Harald Anacker.
 11.03.2022 at 09:30 CET
Keynote: INT – What Makes a City Smart? (It’s Not Technology) Dr. Shenhar is regarded as one of the leading scholars and experts in new product development, project and program management, innovation, and leadership. He is known for his revolutionary system of Strategic Project Leadership, The Diamond of Innovation, and the Three Secrets of Megaproject Success. His is dedicated to helping corporations focus their projects on business results, in addition to the traditional on-time delivery. As a holder of five academic degrees in engineering and management from Stanford University and the Technion in Israel, he was a recipient of the Project Management Institute (PMI), and International Association of Project Management (IPMA) Research Achievement Awards. He also received The IEEE Engineering Manager of the Year Award, and was nominated as PMI and NASA Research Fellow. In his three-phased career, he was a manager and executive in the defence industry, a tenured Professor of technology and project management, and a consultant to major corporations, such as 3M, Honeywell, NASA, Intel, Dow Jones, U.S. Army, IAI, and Tata. His book, Reinventing Project Management, published by Harvard Business School Press was selected among the top five best business books of year.
 11.03.2022 at 14:00 CET
Continuing the Lithuania story
Elena VitkauskaitÄ— is a Researcher of Digitalisation Research Group, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. She works on various research and study projects related to e-Business, e-Government, Digital Transformation and funded by the Lithuanian government and European Commission (e.g., H2020, 6th Framework, Interreg IVC, Erasmus+, DAAD). In 2018-2021 Elena served as an Expert at EU Observatory on Online Platform Economy at European Commission. Current research interests related to cross-cultural issues on the web, social network sites, gamification, internet of things impact on business models. Ms. VitkauskaitÄ— is also a Lecturer of Marketing at the School of Economics and Business, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. She delivers courses related to Digital Marketing and Digital Transformation from Bachelor to executive MBA level students. She led student teams multiple times to become winners of global digital marketing competitions such as Google Online Marketing Challenge and Global Online Marketing Academic Challenge.
 11.03.2022 at 14:00 CET
Continuing the Lithuania story
Intelligent Decision and Data Center, Vilniaus Planas, Vilnius City Municipality
Egle Radvile wears many hats in Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania. She’s the municipality’s lead on innovation, on technology, on data, and on digitalization.
She also advises the national government on innovation projects and heads up a national association of public- and private-sector IT executives